Last Friday was the craw fish boil. I heard they boiled up 13,000 pounds of the little critters. I enjoy going but eat a brat instead. We missed it this year anyway cuz Chris and I were both sick and he didn't want to go if neither of us were going to eat craw fish. Saturday we got the kids ready for their soccer games and Zoey's coach called to let us know her game had been cancelled. Since we were ready to head out we went to LuLu Bell's for breakfast. It was an interesting experience that I probably won't repeat. It was my birthday,so the kids got me some Tinker bell jammies (so that Zoey and I match). Chris went out on a limb again and decided on another appliance type purchase. He got me a new sewing machine. For those that have seen me with a sewing machine know that this is could go either way. So I bought stuff to make a large TV pillow. It went quite well surprisingly. But then I found out it sews on buttons. Chris was super excited and gave me a pair of his pants to repair. The actual act of sewing the button on should have been simple,but the machine kept jamming and I would have to redo the bobbin. I was determined to get it right so I did get it on but the back is a huge mess of thread! We also went to Humphrey's and I got my ice cream cookie Sunday.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
winter, spring, summer or somewhere inbetween
Not much new news at the moment. Just wanted to blot down that we are having a usual Wyoming spring. 2days of 70's and sunny weather and this morning we have another couple of inches of snow. Its wet and I am sure that by the time it stops (in 2 or 3 more days) it won't last long. but the kids have soccer and pictures tomorrow in this yucky weather.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush. ~Doug Larson
I have been so wanting to post. We have been busy. Things going on. No time to blog.
This month is really going fast!! We drove to Mn the first week of April. We had so much fun visiting. We had Easter at Gramma Bessie's& Grampa Ed's on Saturday. The kids got an egg hunt. All the relatives were able to come. That night my kids spent the night with their cousins and had fun playing the wii. Sunday we went to Grandma Dixie's and were able to see all my brothers and Kyle and Alli. The kids got another egg hunt. Plus after all the eggs were found and the candy pulled out, the kids kept rehiding them and had about 5 egg hunts all together. That was also the day I got my birthday cake, which was delicious and I later wished I had figured out how to hijack it and take it with me. Monday I spent with my Grandpa and my brothers came out for supper with us. Its nice that even though we live so far away, my kids still get the chance to bond with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. We had to drive back on Wednesday and because my husband was in great need for a door for his truck, we (meaning Wayne and Casey) very carefully and securly tied it upon the top of my Chrysler Sebring. We headed out early and the kids didn't sleep as much on the way home as they had on the way out to MN. I did not pack any DVDs or movies. They had minimal toys packed from home and some newly aquired easter things. They did well but got antcy. We stopped in Rapid City so I could do some shopping (at the Hobby Lobby of course) before heading on to Gillette. Kids on a sugar high running through a store filled with delicate brakables after being strapped into a car for nine hours probably wasn't the best idea I have ever had, but I really don't go to Rapid that often and had to take advantage of the situation. I was just supper happy that the storm we were supposed to get didn't show up, so the roads were smooth sailing. I had a couple of days to catch up with my clients. Isaac and Zoey went to Kaidyn's birthday party on Saturday. It was at the pool at the Rec Center and the kids loved it. I was so amazed that we didn't even have to get in with them. They played ball and with the noodles and went down the slides all by them selves! No one was scared, nervous and both could touch. That night we colored eggs. We put glitter on them this year. Sometime during the night the Easter Bunny showed up. He hid the eggs we colored plus some plastic eggs with candy. And much to the kids amazement he also brought toys. Isaac got a new Huffy bike and Zoey got a new Tinkerbell play set. They were pretty impressed. We even made it to church on Sunday and had breakfast there. The weather was still nice that day so the kids got some bike riding time in. Ike's bike is just a titch too tall for him, so he did get a couple of scrapes, but he'll get used to it soon. Monday was Isaac's very first soccer game. His team played well together and he played super! It was fun to watch. After, I brought rice crispy bars (with fruity pebbles) and caprisun for their hard work. Tuesday brought Zoey's first soccer game. She had never met her coach or her teammates so I was a little nervous to see what might lay ahead. She did so supper good! Compared to the other kids that cried, didn't want to play or just plain froze--she was on top of things. She got to do an overhead soccer throw and played well with her teammates and the other team. No fits or screaming from her during the game. She was even happy that she got a blue jersey. She had some gear malfunctions (which Mom needs to get on top of) but she even fixed her own shoes (which came loose often and actually lost once) and her shin guards all by herself with no trouble. That was also the day of the circus. It was free for kids to get in and I heard it was pretty good, but we didn't make it. Remarkably after all that I don't remember yesterday. So quite obviously I don't have the pics and video all loaded onto my computer yet. Just wait. It'll come.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life. ~S.D. Gordon

The weather forecast did look bleak, but we decided to head to MN anyway. I packed up while Ike was at school and we departed Gillette about 4pm. The roads were bad until we got to Rapid City. We stopped for a quick bite to eat and to stretch our legs and we were good to go. Once past the blizzard the roads were clear and the traveling was great. I did not bring the DVD players this time. We just packed up one favorite blanky and pillow, sherman bear and a baby. We brought books, but they did not get read yet. The kids played very well together and then slept the rest of the way. I guess we will just have to see how the trip back goes. We have been spending time with family and while it is going fast, it has been a great trip so far. The kids have been on Easter egg hunts, and had sleepovers, and playing with all their aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. They are enjoying the sugar high that comes with Easter candy. I am just hoping they eat it
fast enough so I don't have to worry about the candy by the time we get home.

Dixie made me a birthday cake, so everyone sang and I blew out a candle. There was some discrepancy about my actual age. I am somewhere between 25 and 40 I think. Kyle gave a concert on his french horn and he was pretty good!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Stick to the program
I recently saw a commercial for a burger place. I like burgers, but this commercial showed a large, difficult to eat, loaded burger and thier slogan was "Eat Responsibly". How responsible could that possibly be??? However, I do like the commercial where the guy orders from the drive up. Then decides to super size and is met at the window with his personal trainer. Their slogan was more appropriately " Stick to the Program and if you don't have one" (they give you a website that currently escapes me). I hate being my own personal trainer, but I do think about that commercial and tell myself to stick to the program.
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