The weather forecast did look bleak, but we decided to head to MN anyway. I packed up while Ike was at school and we departed Gillette about 4pm. The roads were bad until we got to Rapid City. We stopped for a quick bite to eat and to stretch our legs and we were good to go. Once past the blizzard the roads were clear and the traveling was great. I did not bring the DVD players this time. We just packed up one favorite blanky and pillow, sherman bear and a baby. We brought books, but they did not get read yet. The kids played very well together and then slept the rest of the way. I guess we will just have to see how the trip back goes. We have been spending time with family and while it is going fast, it has been a great trip so far. The kids have been on Easter egg hunts, and had sleepovers, and playing with all their aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. They are enjoying the sugar high that comes with Easter candy. I am just hoping they eat it
fast enough so I don't have to worry about the candy by the time we get home.

Dixie made me a birthday cake, so everyone sang and I blew out a candle. There was some discrepancy about my actual age. I am somewhere between 25 and 40 I think. Kyle gave a concert on his french horn and he was pretty good!
so there may be discrepancy about yor age, there is no discrepancy about the date of your birth, right. it is still april 25. dixie was early and i am not late, right?
Peg, I learned my lesson one year when I sent Jara a card for March 25. No worries!
My sister-in-law and mother-in-law have birthdays March 24 and April 22, so I just get really confused. *shrug* Alas.
yeah, its still april 25th. I like that day so I'll keep it for now.
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