Monday, June 29, 2009

I love MY uncle Aaron

Should I be blogging right now-- absoutly not. But my daughter has the biggest crush on her Uncle Aaron and the things she says just cracks me up. She has been so nervous around him not making eye contact. This morning he decided to sit down right next to her on the couch. I later asked her about it. "He smiled at me mama and I smiled at him. We don't fight, we love eachother. His cabin is so nice." I told her the cabin and the deer antlers that hang on the wall are Larry's, but she dosn't care. She has been quite the conversationalist this morning, but I had to document her first crush.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Never do anything that you wouldn't want to explain to the paramedics. ~Author Unknown



Floor and no pics of the vault. But watching them run and jump was interesting.

Isaac's program

Brown door (kinda in the background) before
Happy lighted new white door.

Yucky green leafy dining room with decopoge (Ya I don't know how to spell that) coming off the wall.

Matching calming colors with border.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Other than a dimple in a cute little chin, what's more adorable than a toothless grin?

Just so everyone knows-- Isaac got his tooth pulled this morning and there was nothin' to it. He got a baggie of goodies to bring home and still says "Mom, I like going to the dentist." Of course he didn't have a lazy day like we all thought he might. He was running around like nothin' happened, except we let him have some popsicles and ice cream of course. His tongue keeps exploring the new space in his mouth and describing how it feels to me. Now Zoey wants to go to the dentist and she can't wait for her first tooth to come out. She's got a ways to go yet. But I suppose this means the tooth fairy should stop by tonight? Does anyone have some cash? What is the tooth fairy's going rate for teeth that need to be pulled by the dentist?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it. ~Thomas Jefferson

Another fabulous day in the Soost household. Most of us woke up with mild cold like symptoms. We all got out the door late. Again. I dropped Zoey off at daycare and Isaac off at Kids Kamp. Went back home cuz I (totally Ike) forgot the shoeboxes and papertowel roll for crafts at home. Came back and met with a client. Picked up Isaac to take him to his dentist appointment. He was amazing! He let them do everything without complaint and very little squirming. While he does not have any cavities he does have a draining absess tooth which will need to be pulled. Bummer. He got to pick chocolate flavor for his polish and melon for his flouride treatment and was excited to get a new toothbrush, dental floss and some new tatoos. I dropped him off back at kids kamp and picked up Zoey for gymnastics. She was the leader today and they do something new and great every day so far. It is fun for me to watch and the kids absolutly LOVE it. We get her warm clothes back on (cuz its still rainy and cold here) and head to the Children's Center to see if she qualifies for speech therapy. She totally qualifies, but will still need one more test before we actually start meeting. They need to test like a zillion times, which I don't fully understand, but its free and they are super good. Plus they needed to retest her hearing which was great and will restest her sight again next time. They told me she was a little near sighted in the fall and am currious how she is doing now. Zoey and I picked up Isaac, came home and made some yummy pork chops for supper. Now we are jammied up and ready for bed. The morning comes too soon for the little ones anymore.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Character is what emerges from all the little things you were too busy to do yesterday, but did anyway. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Not

Only day 2 of summer vacation and I am sitting here on a sugar high trying to figure out how to get the paper towel roll out of the middle of a half roll of paper towels without actually unrolling them so that Isaac can make a rain stick at camp tomorrow.

My day started out a little slow cuz everyone was drained from yesterday's activities. But we made it to daycare, T-ball, kids camp and gymnastics so far. I had a client scheduled in there too and Chris still has softball tonight. The kids are having a great time and sleeping well. I'll have to update tomorrow with Ike's dentist results and Zoey's speech results.

Now I feel like a mom-- making sure everyone is where they need to be, preferably on time and with swimsuits, towels, mits, waterbottles, gymnastics clothes, lunches, nap mats, layered clothing for this stupid weather and of course paper towel rolls to make rain sticks.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Never kick a cow chip on a hot day. ~Proverb

Super quickie update. We had a busy week here. Both the kids received diplomas for passing their classes. Isaac came home with gobs o stuff including a video of his class through out the year and of course the proudness just welled up and out my eyes. Today Isaac had his program. He has been so excited about this and singing his songs at home so I was ready to watch. I attended with my camera and my video camera and I think he did about three actions total out of like 6 songs! Not much singing from him either, but their class did well with a beach theme. Chris took the kids camping this weekend so hopefully it won't be too rainy.
The lawn mower broke down. We (Chris) ordered a new part. It came in yesterday but broke today. How frustrating. I think the only thing not getting us kicked out of our neighborhood, is that the people right next door have moved out and not sold their house yet and also not mowed their lawn. Anyway, with what lawn we do have most is alfalfa so if anyone wants to come and bale some hay I really think we could make some money out here!
Next week brings on official summer time as my kids will not be in school. AAHHHHHH! This means that Zoey will keep her regular daycare, while Isaac will be going to kids camp at the Rec Center. Plus Lil sluggers and gymnastics start on Monday. Zoey has a speech meeting and Isaac has a dentist appointment. I realized I am not sure when I will have time to work. I just hope I get everyone everywhere on time and not neglect my clients at the same time.