Isaac has had a fabulous month of birthdays. Grandpa Wayne came out for a hunting trip during the first week of October and brought with him presents from all the family. Thank you very much, Grandpa Wayne.

Isaac brought cupcakes that he decorated to school with him on the day of his birthday. He got to wear a birthday crown all day and he was delightfully happy. We rented the party room at Skateland this year. They provided the pizza, pop, plates, napkins, forks, cups ect. I figured that way I would less likely to forget stuff like last year. So I packed up candles, the camera, the video camera, the ice cream scoop and a knife to cut apart the cupcakes. I thought I was doing well. I remembered to buy the ice cream when I picked up the cake, but forgot to actually bring the ice cream with. Chris had to go out and save the day.

Everyone had fun skating. Well there were a couple of kids that didn't want to skate, but everyone had fun and no one broke there ankle or anything.

One thing I forgot to think about was the whole boy girl thing. I knew last year that the boys chased the girls and whatnot. But I forgot. And I didn't know that one of the girls we invited was Ryan's girlfriend last year and she definately still has a crush on him. Everyone seemed to get a chance to hold his hand.

I really can't believe that he is 7! It seems like yesterday that he totally surprized me with his early arrival. He has grown so much and is a fabulous person to have around. I am so proud of him!!! He likes to play soccer and has joined the Squad, which is a music group that sings and will put on performances during the school year. He is still doing very well in school and will be starting the Gate Program again this year.

Zoey's new phrase is "Did you not notice?" Not always sure why, but she says it all the time. She has been learning her letters and numbers and can't wait to learn how to read. I so wish I was a better teacher, but there are reasons why I don't home school.
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