I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I am sorry I was a schmuck to everyone and didn't call. I have been taking time to unwind some and actually spend a bit of time with my family.
Last week we went to the Back Room for supper. Thursdays happen to be the night the magician is there and man is he good. He doesn't do difficult tricks or anything fancy, he's not like Cris Angel, but he is magic. The kids loved it!! He made each a balloon animal (which at one point in my life I knew how to do, but had to remove the info from my brain to make space for other info). When he made Zoey's poodle, he needed to put a little ball on the end of the tail. So Isaac blew into his thumb and vola he made the puff ball on the end of the tail. Chris and I can't do this--so it was all magic. We were almost sad to see the magic guy go. But it was so much fun to watch the kids and see their eyes get big and full of amazement!
I guess that was probably the day after my kids saw Santa. Yep-He visited both daycare and school. I of course got home late that night, but my kids both hopped right out of bed, wide eyed to tell me they saw Santa and got to talk to him. I just can't believe how excited they were. So I asked them what they asked Santa for and Zoey wanted Lightening McQueen and Isaac wanted a guitar. Zoey especially has been waiting for Santa, tell me that "Santa is coming". I knew there was going to be a visit, however, had I been thinking I would have brought my camera and attempted to be there to snap a quick pic. Didn't think that far ahead.
Last Friday Isaac had his Christmas Bazaar. Each kid brings in some ingredients (a sign up list of course provided by the teacher) and during the week the kids made desserts for the parents. Isaac was so sure I was going to bring him late. "Mom, we HAVE to be there AT 1:30." I had taken the morning off so I had planned on arriving pretty early. Apparently he doesn't have the concept of early yet, cuz he kept saying "NO, Mom at 1:30". Anyway, we got there in time to help set up and as Chris and Zoey met us there I dashed off to some basketball games and didn't even get the chance to try his dessert.
I have to say as sad as I was to not be Home for the holidays, it has been the most anticipated and exciting Christmases I can remember EVER having. With my kids being 3 and 5 and knowing they were getting good stuff--I didn't care that I had to wait out Zoey falling asleep at 11 pm before Santa could come. I do wish that somehow, Santa could help out the parenting just a bit more. My kids don't fall for the "you had better be good"or "you need to go to sleep for Santa to come"--He shows up regardless. I cooked a big meal on Christmas Eve and even let the kids use the nice glasses. We had enough left overs, that I didn't have to cook Christmas Day. On Christmas Day we spent the afternoon sledding. It took Isaac a couple times down to get used to his new red saucer, but each are big enough to go down by themselves. We even raced a couple of times.
So Merry Christmas!! I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday. I will try to get pictures up tonight if my internet doesn't fight with me.
PS--So far my kids are still sharing their toys! Zoey still has attitude, but really they play well together even with the new stuff.