Yep, fall is here and school has started. Me and Isaac and Zoey all have colds.

In the news: Isaac has learned to tie his shoes, by himself!! We have shown him how several times but often it is faster and more automatic when done by a parent. Last week I took a shoe and Isaac took a shoe. You should have seen the size of his eyes when he accomplished his feat. LeaAnn and Kaidyn came to church with us yesterday and the buz went something like "I can tie my shoes. I use two bunny ears." "I can tie my shoes too, but I do it like this." and it was a whole fancy 5/6 year old conversation.
Chris and I have celebrated our nineth wedding anniversary. Pretty amazing if I say so myself. I have known the man exactly half my life! Crazyness. Why put up new pics-when I can dig and find great ones like this.