You are my sonshine. ~Author Unknown
I can't believe Ike turns 6 tomorrow! This has been such a big year from riding a two wheeler to tying his own shoes. He has learned how to swim comfortably on his own in a big swimming pool and can read whole books by himself. Not to mention that he passed his speach screaning this year. I am so proud of this little stinker. He did take a tumble (doing what I'm not sure) and had a scab on his nose for his pictures. He is so excited to turn 6 and can't wait for his party, which we are having Saturday at the bowling ally. We made cupcakes tonight for him to take to his class tomorrow. He let me frost, but he pretty much baked and decorated on his own. I didn't work a football game this year on his birthday. I am pretty sure that's a first. I had considered visiting MT for a fb game and looking at the schedule-this weekend was the Flathead/Glacier game--plenty of hours to work--for someone else! So anyway, I have a party to go to, with a fabulous six year old who just melts my heart with the joy in his eyes and the happiness he spreads.
Happy Birthday Ike!!! Wow!!! It is crazy to think that three years have passed since we went to his third birthday party (which was a ton of fun).
happy birthday dear isaac.
happy birthday dear isaac.
happy birthday dear isaac.
happy birthday to you.
kugs and kisses, isaac! wish i could hug and kiss you in person, but this will have to do for now.
jara, remember to send me your address and phone numbers so i can call you back, please!
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