Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. ~Robert Brault
So as I have mentioned before, the story of the Soost family is not written in any chronicalogical order. So not only am I back tracking, but still years after I have started this blog, I still add my pics backwards too! The first photo is of Isaac and his bendaroos. Magic wax over super stong string makes for a great afternoon. He made this ducky thing with no direction at all.
My family came out to visit and we gave my niece Libby a birthday party!! She turned 2. She didn't feel great while she was here, but didn't have any problems blowing out the candles (a couple of times) and eating those frosting balloons right off the cake!
Zoey, Libby and Isaac.
I gave Libby a rubber lizard to play with and she didn't really like it. "Yuck!" was her reaction. My kids didn't go anywhere without their lizards for about 2 months, but then they got puppies from McDonald's and now that is their thing all the time.
We took a drive through the mountains and found a deer stuck on the fence.
My husband came to the rescue.
And the deer lived to see another day.
We took everyone sledding at Tie Hack. Here is papa Wayne sledding down.
There wasn't as much snow there as the day we went to get our Christmas tree, but it was still pretty.
Zoey leads the way, carrying her own tube.
Amy finished her sled ride right before the rocks would have stopped her. It was cold that day so we didn't stay long. I think everyone had a good time. But Isaac did crash, got his nose banged up pretty good and had a headache. Don't think that will stop him from going again.
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