Sunday, July 12, 2009

If you wonder where your child left his roller skates, try walking around the house in the dark. ~Leopold Fechtner

Isaac has had the most boring week a 6 year-old could have. He felt much better on Monday so it was very difficult for him to listen when I would tell him to lay down, take it easy, slow down. That night his symptoms came back and he realized the rest of the week he should take it easy. No t-ball, no kids camp, mostly hanging out with Mom. It wasn't all bad, he still went to the adventurarium on Wednesday as well as a sleep over at Solem's. And on Friday we went to Devil's Tower with Ron, Denise and Jack. It was good to catch up and hang out with them for the day.
This week is busy with work, birthday parties and meetings. It will be good to get back to the regular grind and not be freaked out about my kids' head. Usually I just have to make sure my concussed athletes are sitting down for the 2-3 hours after school, which is hard enough, but all stinking day is a huge challenge!
As for an update on the house--we (meaning Chris) tore down the decrepit old deck. Yep, we are deckless, but hopefully the new one will get started soon.

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