When Isaac and I first arrived in Denver we were still a ways from the hospital. So we split up. Isaac got a fabulous helicopter ride while I took a cab. The air crew had called ahead for me and the cab was right there waiting for me. The cab driver was a man from India wearing a blue turbin. He was a chatty fellow telling me not only how my insurance works but how in India only the rich get treated. He was so impressed with how there is no discrimination in regards to who gets treated. He also let me know that I should pray for my children and husband. I was very unware that men are not allowed to pray for their families and that was a job reserved only for women. He noted that I should have prayed in the plane cuz the air was clear up there without dirty souls (plus I would have been closer to God).
This is day three of Isaac being in the picu (pediatric intensive care unit). Yesterday was a really good day. Isaac seemed very healthy and even the nurses were amazed at how good he was for being in the picu. Chris and Zoey drove down through some snowy weather and it was great to see them. The social worker stopped in right away and gave me a few vouchers for the cafeteria and set us up at the Ronald McDonald house. I was really surprised at how wonderful it is. Our room is very similar to a hotel room but the house itself has a very large kitchen where we can keep our food and they also have some community items which was helpful since we have not been anywhere other than the hospital yet. Zoey is having so much fun there she doesn't even want to leave. They have TV, movies, books, toys, games, a Wii, an X Box. And I think Zoey is a little upset there is no swimming pool but for $15 a night I have no complaints. Once they got here Chris and I were able to swap out. He stayed with Ike overnight while I took a shower and changed out of the clothes I had been wearing for 2 days. Sleeping in a bed didn't hurt anything either.
Today is a different day. Early this morning they were able to change out his tube for one that is much more appropriate for his 7 year old size. He quickly gained an infection in his lungs which caused his lungs (especially on the left) to fully fill with a thick white mucus. This caused all of his stats to decline and was very difficult to maintain. We had a pulmonologist come in and clean out his lungs. The junk plugged her scope. But his chest is clear again and his stats have returned. After that we gave him a pic line so that we don't have to poke at him so much. The 2 IVs he already has will stay for now. So now I am sitting in a cool dark room trying to just let him relax from his big day. He will now need to keep the tube in longer due to the lung infection. Honestly I can't wait for respiratory to come in and beat the snot out of him. Litteraly. This is good massage and I want to see it work first hand.
My phone is charged now so I take calls on my cell phone if you have any questions. Ike isn't all that talkative so I don't mind the calls.