Merry Christmas to everyone!! I hope you all are having a great holiday! Here are just a few of the pictures I have taken in the last four weeks. We have been super busy. The pic above is our Christmas dinner. It was the only pic I took on Christmas cuz I was busy fiddeling with other christmas gifts to think of taking more.
Zoey had a birthday party at McDonald's. She turned 5 and was very proud to wear her TinkerBell Party badge all day. This party of course was after the school christmas parties.
I got her an icecream cake since I forgot the icecream at Isaac's party. Not like Dairy Queen--this was vanilla icecream sandwiched between two layers of regular chocolate cake.
Four days after we came back from Colorado the kids both participated in the church christmas program. Zoey was a sheep and Isaac was a shepard.
The day after we got back from Colorado was Zoey's Birthday. We put up a christmas tree and let Zoey open some of her gifts. I took Isaac and Zoey back to MN for Thanksgiving. We got to spend some time with my nieces and nephews. I got to attend my class reunion.
Found out Grandpa had a twin--who freaked us out most of the night. I ate at least three thanksgiving dinners.
But this year Dad got to sit at the kids table!
About a week or so after we came back from MN we visited Denver via Leer Jet. This is Zoey on the last day with Ronald McDonald. It was a great place to stay. Do please make sure that when you go through the drive through to let your change go into the money drop. It is worth it.
Zoey had a great vacation. She got to go to the Imax theater and to the Zoo lights. She played with all kinds of toys in all the play areas at the Ronald McDonald house and of course couldn't stop jumping on the bed. Nothing better than giant toys
Isaac hooked up to a ventalator, heart monitor, NG tube, two IVs, a pic line and a catheter. He was sedated, paralyzed and on several medications.
This vest was put on him twice a day. It inflated with air and jiggled him around to get the crud out of his lungs.
There are most of his monitors.
This was another breathing treatment--where this thing sort of pounded the crud out of lungs. Isaac right after he got his tube out. Still in restraints. Not sure what else to narate here. You know the story and it was crazy. But we literally went from this to nothing. He went right back to school and he has zero side effects from this whole ordeal. We were blessed to have great staff and to have only needed to be there a week.
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