Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Mile Stones

Isaac has gotten his first loose tooth! Most of his friends teeth have already grown back in so he is one of the last ones. Unfortunately, at first it was pretty painful for him. He is doing well now, but I think he'd rather keep his teeth than have the tooth fairy come. However, he does plan to get rich off this scheme. We asked him how much he thought the tooth fairy should bring, $100 he says. I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.

He is doing so well though. He has 13 days of Kindergarten left with Field Day on Friday and a program on the last day of school. He is excited about the songs he gets to sing. He has been referred to the summer GATE program. I don't have all the info yet, but its just stimulating stuff to keep him going through the summer. I signed him up for Kid's Camp @ the rec center instead of sending him to daycare. And I signed him up for tball too. Not sure both programs mix yet, but he's signed up. I got Zoey signed up for free gymnastics, so we have that going on too. The weather warmed up for a couple of days (upper 80s) so the kids are over joyed about shorts and sandals and sprinklers! It'll be back to the 60s or so and rainy by the weekend, but the sun is nice while its here.

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