Things haven't really slowed down here yet and I am not really expecting them to anytime soon. After we got back from MN Isaac woke up early the next morning haveing breathing problems. I had refilled his Advair before we went to MN in case he needed it there so I gave him a dose of that and sent him to the showers. I didn't really know how long the Advair took to work or really if it had much of an effect on him since I give him so many other things too. I asked him how he was feeling after his shower and he was still feeling pretty cruddy but he was feeling good enough to joke through it. After I asked him he says "But Mom I can sound like an old grandpa" with all smiles. I called the Doc and she prescribed his usual dose of asteroids (steroids), but this time I didn't wait for the pharmasist to bug his eyes out at the high dosage. Ike says they still taste terrible and should be grape flavored. I didn't have to take much time off work for the whole ordeal. He was breathing better before noon and he tagged along with me for the next few days. He answered my phone for me while I gave massages. The Doc wanted to see him the next day and I just scheduled it when she had her first opening, which originally was a poor time for us to go, but my schedule magically worked itself out so I could still have time for everyone.
By Thursday Brandon and Chloe were here. Its always fun when Brandon comes--well except that we were reshingleing the house so that probably wasn't the most fun we had ever had--but you know. They got the whole thing done by Sunday, which was super awesome, plus we had time to tour the mountains on Saturday. They stayed til early this morning so that we could all celebrate Chris's 35th birthday on Monday. After Chris got done with work they went to Devil's Tower (while I worked, bummer). We went out to Slices for pizza that night and had ice cream cake from Dairy Queen.
Today I did my best to find our regular routine. The kids were up late last night and I woke them up this morning and sent them both off to day care. It was an extremely slow go. So I am staying up tonight doing dishes and laundry and work things and catch up a little on my blogging.
I so totally can't believe that school starts in like two weeks. I am going to have all my children in school--all day--everyday. No daycare at this point in time so it seems that for a while I will be working more than usual this fall, but by the time Thanksgiving and Christmas roll around I won't be working so much between vacation and professional days. Gillette gets a lot of professional days and I am not always sure what the teachers do those days, but it means no school. So things will feel different from just daycare, plus daycare was kinda nice cuz I could pick her up when I wanted. Or like if I was running behind--no worries cuz they don't close til 6:30pm. Which really only gives me extra time in the summer when Isaac is also not in school, but still. It really gives me a lot less one on one time with them. They will always be together (usually fighting).