Sunday, May 15, 2011

I am woman! I am invincible! I am pooped! ~Author Unknown

Kinda strange that I really don't remember much what happened last week. Pretty uneventful, if I do say so myself. Ike did get his glasses tho and that seems to be going well. He was pretty excited to get them. Zoey was supposed to have soccer practice on Tuesday, but even though the snow stopped by the evening, it was still rescheduled for Wednesday. As we got in the car Wednesday to go, it started sprinkling. Her practice was dry, but chilly and windy!! Kids did not seem to mind a bit, however, we were the ONLY ones there. Her coach said that we are the only family that ever contacts her or responds to her texts. So strange--I paid for her to play and learn to play some soccer so I am going to send her. The wind won't blow her away ( depending on the day, anyway)just make her stronger. She had a game on Saturday at 8am. Kinda early for this fam to be out of the house and out of jammies. We made it on time and I even stopped for some hot spiced chi. It was not warm out and we had flurries of snow flying through the air.

Chris took Isaac to the mule deer banquet last night. Isaac won a tee shirt and got a free hat. No one we knew won a gun this year, but they had a good time.

The rec center will be closed for maintenance for a whole week. I am going to try to provide personal training out of my office during that time. The kids and I went in today to rearrange and clean the office. Should be interesting as my office is pretty small, but I have Internet there now and have totally revamped my website. I finally decided to go with the same company that does my business cards--so now everything matches which is kinda nice. Check it out If you have any ideas on how to make it better, I am always open to suggestions.

Apparently I was ready to cook today. We had blueberry pancakes with little sizzlers for breakfast. Lasagna and garlic bread for supper with a fresh baked rhubarb pie for dessert. Kids weren't hungry for lunch at all so just sammies then. But we have leftovers. Wanna come eat?!? Your invited:)

Just waiting to see what this week brings. We had sun and wind today. I think sun tomorrow. Thunderstorms on Tuesday, which is not only supposed to be Zoey's soccer day, but RESCHEDULED team pictures. Isaac's registration got overlooked for baseball, so may be he can start that this week. I hope. And of course with me being at my office more than usual this week--may be I'll irritate my neighbors a little too. They don't like me, so in return I kinda don't like them. Its hard to like people who ask you to move out specifically so that they can have your office.

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