Going backwards in time--Halloween has been a pretty big event. Both the kids have been looking forward to it and very excited. Even Zoey kept telling everyone "I am going to be a punkin" We carved pumpkins Tuesday night. Today the kids had parties at daycare and school. We brought snacks to each of their classes. Tonight we went trick or treating around the loop of Kokanee Bend. The kids climbed into the wagon, I would ask if they were ready, the kids would make train noises. Isaac pointed out every house with their light on. I would say your ride stops here. They climb out, Isaac would knock on the door. Zoey would say I want to knock on the door (each taking a turn) and Zoey would usually follow that with Trick or Treat before the door opens. They say thank you and on the way back to the wagon they would say how much fun that was and we would start the process all over again to the next house.

Isaac finally got to have friends over to the house. We had a small gathering. I had planned for them to play some games, but they played with the balloons and then upstairs with the toys. I don't mess with kids that are playing good! (Actually two of them didn't really get along) We opened some gifts, ate some birthday cake and played some more. All worked out.