I was so excited about free picture day at Isaac's school. Actually I knew the sitting fee was free, so I asked about how much the package was and at the time they said that it was free too and since they send the package home before you purchase any pics I believed them. Of course now that I have the pictures I also have the price list. But it was fun while it lasted.
Chris and I both forgot about daylight savings time, but now my car has the right time in it! And now after quite a few super warm days in the 60's and I think 70's we are well below zero with a significant amount of snow. Pretty--Yes, Slippery--Yes and by Saturday a wet sloppy mess as it will be in the 50's again. I'm not really a big fan of the wet and mud and dirt.
I was knitting a scarf yesterday and Zoey comes up to me with a green piece of cut out paper. "Here Mom, I knitted you a sock." Yep, just one, but it did look like a sock and it was so sweet. My kids have been so busy lately, cutting things out of paper (like whole meals with full dinnerware) and building with blocks and playing babies and puppies. In order to keep up with thier fabulous minds I have brought back the sticker chart. The kids play so well together, but I keep stepping on toys.
I wish I had more news to tell. But things are going well. I am busy at work and still keeping up with things at home, so that makes me feel good!! I think the kids might start soccer soon. Not sure I am ready for that. Also, need to start looking for someone to watch Isaac this summer. There was a whole deal on the radio about how full the childcare centers are. I am super hoping to have my kids go to the same place this summer, but right now I think Zoey's daycare is totally full. The rec center has a really great program that I think Isaac will like, but I don't know how fast they fill up. It will be interesting to see how this plays out with scheduling and whatnot.
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