Family, family and a little more family.....

I was a little slow to get these on the blog and most are the same ones that I put on Face Book.
Justin and Alison dancing it up. Me and my brother John. That IS him with a smile, in case you couldn't tell.
Jim and Dianne

Jenny and John. Ben and Bill seemed to escape my camera most of the night.

Isaac and Zoey had a great time dancing!

Naomi and me.
Jim and Amanda during the Father Daughter dance.

Dixie, Me, Miriam, Miranda and Alison
Me, Tina and Kari

All my Aunts and Uncles on the Rogne side of the family.

Ray, Miriam, Bob, Dixie, Denny, Bruce, Barry and Jim. I still think they should have stood in order.

Family with all the extras.
All my cousins (minus 3)

Bill, Ben, Me, John, Zoey and Isaac

Newly weds!
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