Isaac has been learning so much lately. He knows all the names of the oceans and some of the contenents. I picked him up today right after lunch and it was heart warming to see him with his friends. Mason immediately came up to me and reminded me that they needed to have a play date together and many of the other kids asked him for hugs before we left. I usually drop him off before too many other kids are there and I rarely ever pick the kids up from daycare/school. It is fun to see the interaction. So we are in the car and I got a little over excited about how few playdates he gets and told him he could have Tristan, Mason and Nathan over. To which he replies " and Seth too. That's only 4 and Zoey and Isaac makes 6. We have enough room upstairs" he says. Who knows what the future holds, but I see playdates on my Sundays off.
Isaac had his first bout of speech therapy (in Montana) today. It went SO well. He likes to play the games and most of the time he just needs to be reminded of his sounds.
We deep fried a turkey in honor of the Superbowl this past sunday. I would let Chris do that anytime, they are so scrumpsious! We had a few friends over to watch the commercials and whatnot. A good time was had by all.
Ike's recipe for hot chocolate:
Put water in and then the sugar in a cup. Put in microwave. Then stir after the microwave.
I saw these recipies on the internet and thought I'd ask Isaac for his imput.
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